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��������-������ "������� ��������� � �����-����������"

(Denis Lukyantsev)

from 28 April to 29 May 2008

«Wonderful Valaam»

  1. The Aboriginals (Febr. 2005)
  2. The Cave (Jan. 2005)
  3. Bight of the single pine. (Jan. 2006)
  4. Spring ringing (May 2003)
  5. Last clinging of the May rocks (May 2003)
  6. A Sunrise on the rocky bank (Jan. 2001)
  7. Good evening, thunderstorm (July 2004)
  8. Evening dropped in (June 2003)
  9. Golden evening (June 2003)
  10. Large-toothed hoar-frost (Dec. 2006)
  11. The saxifrage (Aug. 2002)
  12. Little stones (Jan. 2006)
  13. Small wonder (Jan. 2007)
  14. Monastic mooring (July 2006)
  15. Shaggy hoar-frost (Dec. 2006)
  16. Gold cape (June 2002)
  17. On Island Nikolsky (Dec. 2006)
  18. Four elements (June 2003)
  19. Sky over Ladoga (July 2005) (2 �� .)
  20. Wonderful morning (Jan. 2001)
  21. Nicola (July 2002)
  22. Nicolushka (Dec. 2006)
  23. Bight Niconovskaya (Dec. 2004)
  24. Cloud-ship (June 2003) (2 �� .)
  25. Single pine (Jan. 2005)
  26. Single pine of Kuindzhi (Jan. 2001)
  27. Ice storm (Febr. 2005)
  28. Bay into Monastic Bight (June 2003)
  29. Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (March 2005)
  30. Trial by ordeal (July 2003)
  31. The wind (Febr. 2005)
  32. I go away (Febr. 2005)
  33. Fur coat of oak (Febr. 2005)
  34. Black Nose (Northern-Eastern part of Valaam) (Aug. 2004)
  35. Clear sun (June 2003)
  36. South Gates (Jan. 2002)
  37. The Stepashkas (Jan. 2001)
  38. Trial by ordeal (July 2003)
  39. The strati (Dec. 2003)
  40. The boulders (Jan. 2006)
  41. Holy Gates (of Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery) (19 th Aug. 2006)
  42. Rare sun of December (Dec. 2002)
  43. Frosty morning (Jan. 2007)
  44. Bay into ������ � Monastic Bight (Aug. 2006)
  45. Island Divny (Febr. 2001)
  46. Autumn in Syasiyarvi (Oct. 2003)
  47. Nicolsky secluded monastery (June 2005)
  48. Nicolskaya Church (Dec. 2006)
  49. The Monastic Bight (July 2006)
  50. The rocks (May 2003)
  51. Here lives an ice. (Jan. 2007)
  52. Without name (Jan. 2007)
  53. Without name (Jan. 2007)
  54. The clouds (Aug. 2004)

Preface for photo-exposition "Wonderful Valaam"

I would like to call your attention for the photos of wonderful, unusual, quiet and joyful island Valaam.

During the entire ages island Valaam raised a man to God, was the place, where from the prayers streamed for the entire world. That's why Valaam, it is, first of all, sacred place, and sacred place of our native land, what we must save in this unstable world.

Valaam always was the place of inspiration of our Great Russian masters. Many decades pass, but people still glad to landscapes by F. Vasilyev, I. Shishkin, A. Kuindzhi, music by P. Tchaikovsky, architecture ensembles by A. Gornostaev, stories by N. Leskov and I. Shmelev:

One perceives out of times also nature of Valaam islands, it adds and underlines immense spiritual content of Valaam cloister. Current problems, everyday momentary moods - everything back down, then one is plunged into the silence of Valaam's forests and lakes, situated under arches of majestic Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral:

Cause for the creation of works, represented at the exhibition, served feeling of endless rapture and wish to share with observed again and again. Of course, conditions for creation of photos also were, speaking directly, suitable.

Since 1999 I have been lucky to work at meteorological station Valaam, difficult of access, and in duties of observer included exactly attentive observation for variety of nature phenomenon. In this way year after year entire exhibition was collected, which you can see and to be glad at this.

I would like to wish to dear spectator to get to know Valaam cloister personally, and to try penetrate by own light heart into this infinite deep of God's grace, from which all in the world the goods are given to mankind, which we, sometimes, have not notice.

Dionisiy Lukyantsev


He was born on 1976 in the sea town of Ventspils ( Latvia ).

None staying too long there, he moved with his parents to Belorussia , where on 1996 he graduated from Art College attached to Academy of Arts.

On 1999 he arrived on Valaam, where started to work at meteorological station, situated almost at the world's end. It is can be clear seen at photos, which, for the most part, were taken just there.