Elena Alfyerova exhibits her pictures since 1993 ÇÏÄÁ, but in "SPAS" Gallery her first exhibition took place at 2006 and named "Old Photos".
Although from 2005 her pictures can be seen at group exhibitions:
- 2005 - "The Best Art Galleries" (participation ofš "SPAS" Gallery, InfoSpace, International information-exhibition center, Moscow)
- 2005 "Exhibition of artists from Saint-Petersburg"š ("SPAS" Gallery, Geelvink Hinlopen Huis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- 2005 - "Artists of Saint-Petersburg in Turku", exhibition of ("SPAS" Gallery in frames of Saint-Petersburg Days in Town Hall of Turku, Finland
- 2005 - "Artists of Saint-Petersburg", exhibition of ×ÙÓÔÁ×ËÁ ("SPAS" Gallery, De Wijk, The Netherlands "SPAS"
Gallery will co-operate with Elena and continue to show the new pictures of artist to its visitors.
22 September - 17 October
1969 born in Chelyabinsk
1988š graduated from Chelyabinsk Art College, artist-decorator diploma
1992 - Monthly grant from Society of Young Artists Support, Germany
1993 -
- Benua Family Museum, Petergof, Russia
- Artists Union of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- Private collections in Russia, Austria, America, Denmark and Finland