Two photo exhibitions will take place from 24 May to 4 June and from 7 to 15 June 2010 year running at "S.P.A.S." Gallery (93, Moyka River embankment, Saint-Petersburg). These exhibitions are organized by French Association of Cultural Connections "CHAT NOIR CHIEN ERRANT" ("BLACK CAT, STRAY DOG"), - and represent journalist, president of Association "CHAT NOIR CHIEN ERRANT" Julia Cornilova (Russia-France)and artist Ekaterina Calmanson (Oregon, USA). Both of exhibitions are united by same theme - mysterious and incomprehensible beauty of the world around us, beauty of every instant, but which was created for millions years.
Julia Kornilova
24 May - 04 June 2010 year
Julia Cornilova demonstrates the series of works united by title "Aquarelles". Water of Saint-Petersburg rivers and channels, framed by granite banks, losing here its essence, transforming into original painting canvas, where, as in kaleidoscope, glimpse fantastical reflections of buildings, bridges, cathedrals: The exhibition is timed for Year of France in Russia and celebration of City's Day in Saint-Petersburg.
Ekaterina Kalmanson
7 - 15 June 2010 year
The layout of Ekaterina Calmanson, which was being created during ten years, dedicated to unique landscapes of national parks of Northern America. A word "wonder" most preciously expresses an admiration of slenderness and harmony of virginal nature of this country, wonderful images of its natives. |