S.P.A.S. gallery русский


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Интернет-журнал "Новости искусства в Санкт-Петербурге"



9 - 20 November 2010


All the paintings presented in the exhibition relate to 1967 and represent the Peasant cycle.

Background of creation this cycle goes back to 1965, when the teacher of the author, Vladimir Sterligov, explaining the basics of Suprematism, showed to student an extremely rare at thst time paintings’ reproductions of "Peasant cycle" by Kazimir Malevich.

Gennady Zubkov was impressed strongly by the seen, and when two years later he was on Lake Onega, in the village of Solomennoye near Petrozavodsk, the classic paintings as if revived before him - the artist created his own "Peasant cycle".

This exhibition - a tribute to the revolutionaries in the arts, current classics - transmits all the freshness of perception of the world's by young artist and his desire to share their discoveries.


1940 Born in Perm, USSR
1968 Graduated from the Painting and Graphic Department of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute named after Herzen
1963 -1974 Met Vladimir Sterligov (Malevich’s disciple) and under Sterligov’s guidance studied impressionism, cubism, suprematism, and Matushin’s color theory as well as Sterligov’s painting system called "cup-cupola"
1976-1980 Worked out and practiced a plan and teaching methods for studying form and color on the basis of Sterligov’s lessons
1977-1986 Developed a new pictorial technique "form makes form" from Sterligov’s "spherical geometry" and practiced the new technique with a group of Sterligov’s disciples
1986 - present -  Teaching painting culture to young artists present
1995 Founded Experimental Artistic Group "Form + Color"
1998 Founded Artistic Group "17th April"

Member of Artists Union of Russia

Member of International Federation of Artists (IFA)

Member of Society "Free Culture"


State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
State Museum of City History, St. Petersburg, Russia
Collection of the United Board of the Museums of Leningrad Oblast, St. Petersburg
Russia Pushkin International Federation of Artists of UNESCO, St. Petersburg, Russia
Diaghelev Arts Fund, St. Petersburg, Russia
Museum of Fine Art named after A. Pushkin, Moscow, Russia
Museum of Modern Spiritual Art, Colomna, Moscow region, Russia
Museum of non-conformists art, St. Petersburg, Russia
Art Museum’ of Kareliya Republic, Russia   
Contemporary Art Museum, Tomsk, Russia
Kemerovo Regional Art Museum, Russia
Arkhangelsk Art Museum, Russia
Check Point Charlie Museum, Berlin, Germany.
Saturn Bank, Moscow, Russia
Art Museum, Yaroslavl, Russia
Norton Dodge Collection, Meckanixwill, Maryland, USA
Deutsche Bank, New York, USA
Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Museum of Art, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
West Hypo Bank, Dortmund, Germany
Doctor Diter Boden collection, Germany  
Herr von Lambsdorff, Berlin, Germany
Irina and Victor Xenzov, St. Petersburg, Russia
Nikolay and Galina Sidorov,  St. Petersburg, Russia
Rutgers University, New-Jersey, USA
The Tatyana and Natalya Kolodzey Foundation, Moscow, Russia and New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA;
Petrovsky Bank, St. Petersburg, Russia