Vasily Suvorov
«Imprinted light»
22 February – 12 March 2011
3 1950 |
4 1966 |
5 1975 |
6 1960 |
7 1954 |
8 1968 |
9 1976 |
10 1966 |
11 1977 |
12 1970 |
13 1952 |
14 1937 |
15 1937 |
16 1951 |
17 1937 |
18 1937 |
19 1953 |
20 1979 |
21 1959 |
22 1970 |
23 1970 |
24 1941 |
25 1966 |
26 1967 |
27 1967 |
28 1973 |
29 1978 |
30 1971 |
31 1973 |
32 1937 |
33 1924 |
34 1977 |
36 1952 |
37 1959 |
38 1954 |
39 1952 |
41 1974 |
43 1952 |
44 1957 |
Suvorov Vasily - a man of unique artistic and teaching talent
Art History knows and remembers a lot of brilliant and immensely talented artists. Each has left to humanity through his creative skill his soul, his vision. But the brilliant and talented teachers-artists the history knows not so much. One of the most unique teachers was the artist Vasily Ilyich Suvorov (1902-1991), taught at Leningrad College of Industrial Arts named after Vera Mukhina from 1946 to 1991.
Clarity and integrity of professional paradigm distinguished teaching methodology of Vasily Ilyich. A follower of D.N. Kardovsky’ school (Dmitry studied under guidance of Pavel Chistyakov, Ilya Repin and in Munich, under guidance of artist-teacher Aschbe), V.I. Suvorov paid attention and gave significant role to questions of tone in the fine arts.
In 1950 V.I. Suvorov became head of the amateur art studio attached to House of medical professionals and combined work there in its work in Leningrad College of Industrial Arts. Studio during the teaching of Vasiliy Ilyich from 1950 to 1989 not only produced a huge number of applicants for arts institutes, but it issued also many amateur artists with good training.
Educational activities were calling Vasily Suvorov and he devoted all his talents and time to this activity.
Under the leadership of Suvorov in 1989 studio acquired title of national one.
From the newspaper notes: "- We want to learn from you! - Often hears this man. Why Vasily Ilyich Suvorov is so attractive for people?
Kindness, unselfishness and devotion to work evoke our respect and love to him. Several generations of students, from the bottom of their hearts can admit the special pedagogical talent of Vasily Ilyich. Not tens or hundreds, but thousands of his pupils can proudly say that have learned at Suvorov. Living link between generations - is the fundamental core of his school."
They say: "Teacher - not someone who can tell his disciples, and he - who called his teacher."
Difficult to count - how many people called V.I. Suvorov their teacher! Many of them and among teachers of contemporary Art and Industry Academy named after Stieglitz.
How many grateful pupils according to the current once the tradition came to the Square of Arts (where was a studio of Vasily Ilyich) on his birthday on May 9 to congratulate him and convey his appreciation and love! Come also granddaughter, of D.N. Kardovsky, Irina Dmitriyevna.
In 1989 V. I. Suvorov gave up teaching in the studio at the House of medical staff due to disagreements with the administration on some organizational issues, but the rest of his days continued to advise his students, gathered for studies elsewhere.
V.I. Suvorov did not deem in teaching some sort of "special education". "I do not understand, how can exists some sort of separate "educational work "? If a person works honestly, with full return of forces, this is education, "- this was the belief of Suvorov.
Vasiliy Suvorov was notable of great Christian kindness and love to people. He often repeated the words of the Gospel: "Love one another - and then they discover that you are my disciples."
"I've lived a long life and have always loved people. Even when I disappointed in them. Must be able to critically think about yourself, then others will appear in a different light ... "- these were the views of Vasily Ilyich.
V.I. Suvorov died on March 23, 1991
Good memory of Vasily Ilyich does not dry out and love for him does not fade in the hearts of people.
Kuzmina I.B.,
Senior Teacher of SPb State Academician Institute
of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin and
SPb State Academy of Dramatic Art
Competitor of the Department of Russian Art
SPb SAIPSA named after Ilya Repin
1902 - Born in Rybinsk, Russia
1911-1917 - private lessons from artist M. Shcheglov while studying at school
1919-1924 - Garrison studio of Rybinsk
1924-1925 - private lessons from artist P.A. Alekseev, a disciple of Kardovsky
1925 - moved to Moscow. A coach gymnastics section of the Union of Builders.
1925-1930 - the lessons in a studio of artist K.P. Chemko on Tverskaya Street. Head of the studio - Kardovsky, professor of the Leningrad Institute named after Ilya Repin
1931 - moved to Leningrad
1932 - 1938 - studied at the Institute named after Ilya Repin at Russian Academy of Arts with professors N. Radlov, V. Shuhaev – students of D. Kardovsky.
1938 - receive the title of artist-painter
In the late 1930's, he taught at the gym section of the Leningrad Institute of Technology
1946 - an invitation to teach at the Leningrad College of Industrial Art named after Vera Mukhina to the newly created Department of the Drawing, the branch of “The art of costume modeling”; since 1951 - head of the preparatory courses at the Leningrad College of Industrial Art named after Vera Mukhina
In 1950 V.I. Suvorov became a head of the House of medical professionals and amateur art studio combining work here with work in Sin its work in College of Industrial Art named after Vera Mukhina, led the studio until 1989
1989 - collective art studio under the guidance of V.I. Suvorov receive title of the national
1989 - leaves the art studio, holding consultations at home
1991 - gave up teaching at the Leningrad College of Industrial Art named after Vera Mukhina
March 23, 1991 - died